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About Us


About Us

Government Postgraduate College Noida is a coeducational institute, which was established by the UttarPradesh Higher Education department,to impart higher education with minimum fee structure,predominantly to those young boys and girls who aspire for higher education but cannot afford due to their weak economic and social background.Genesis:Established in the year 1982,since then the Government Postgraduate College has been constantly growing in size and structure. Initially started with arts faculty, which had nine departments, grew with opening of bachelors programme in commerce, subsequently followed by the bachelors programme in science. There are undergraduate programmes running in all thefaculties with eleven disciplines in arts, six disciplines in science, beside this commerce and
economics have postgraduate programme.


My warm and heartiest welcome to the members of Government Post graduate College, Noida;
simultaneously I also welcome the visitors of this website.


The vision of the Government Postgraduate College Noida is to realize those values
and ideals of nation building, which have been envisioned by our leaders. It is with these ideal, the
college endeavours to establish itself as a seat of higher learning,


The mission of Government Postgraduate College Noida is, ‘education for all’. The
college ensures to make higher learning available to all those who aspire for it, but are from thedeprived sections of society.